Easy Chicken Marsala is a delicious and popular one pan Italian-American chicken dish that is made with an Italian fortified wine and mushroom sauce. The...
Mujadara is a classic Arabic recipe featuring cooked lentils and rice, caramelized onions, herbs and yogurt. It's a delicious vegetarian main dish! This...
Enjoy a perfectly roasted whole chicken any night of the week by using the air fryer method to cook a perfectly juicy chicken with crispy skin in just...
Chicken and dumplings are a quintessential Southern comfort food. My Instant Pot version is loaded with chicken, veggies, dumplings, and all the flavor...
Originally published as Savory Pork Chops in Taste of Home April/May 2001, p41 Relates Debbie Terenzini-Wilkerson of Lusby, Maryland, "I love these tender...
This easy recipe featured was featured in "Waitrose Weekend." The ingredients are few and there is only one pan to clean. What could be better? Well maybe...
Succulent crawfish tails cooked in spices and a rich cream sauce then tossed with pasta. Crawfish Monica has become the most popular dish at the New Orleans...
These BBQ Jackfruit Tacos with Mango Salsa are a delicious vegan and gluten-free recipe filled with sweet and tangy flavors that the whole family will...